Friday, July 29, 2011

Oh friday, oh friday

Now, for most people working the nine to five jobs, Fridays are great days! Last day and then....freedom for two whole days! It's almost like having summer break from school come around once a week and much like we used to do as children, we spend a fair amount of our workday listlessly looking at the clock. As if by sheer force of will we could speed up the second hands and the minutes until finally we are able to nudge that stubborn hour hand closer and closer to five.

And much like the bitter disappointment we felt as children, our ability to alter the time/space continuum is woefully lacking and we're still stuck in our cubby holes and chained to our desks while the clock mocks us.

I too have spent plenty of time growling and glaring at the clock just counting the seconds down till freedom. Unfortunately, at least in my line of work, Fridays always seem to be the most frantic and crazed as I rush and try to meet all the deadlines and last minute orders. Ever wish there were more hours in the day? Wonder how on earth you're going to get your work done before the day is up because if not....then you can kiss your plans for the night goodbye because you're now stuck staying late.

Or worst of all, you're looking at having to come in on Saturday, one of your most treasured days of the week. The day where if you want do, you can stay in your pajamas all day long and sit on your couch and catch up on all the shows you recorded the week before. No suits, no shoes just some quality time with 'me, myself and I'. Alternately, if you can pry yourself off that comfy couch and into 'real clothes' and visit with friends or family. What you do with your time is your own prerogative. The important thing is it's your choice. No boss telling you what to do, no co-workers foisting last minute things onto your desk because they can't get it done. Just sweet, glorious freedom. 

For me, Sunday is always a bittersweet day. You have familial obligations, maybe you attend church. Whatever the case, it's never just 'your' day. This is probably why Saturday is so important to me.
And to have to come to work to catch up? Ugh, what a terrible prospect. No, I don't think many people want to come to work on their days off.

And with that being said, perhaps I should spend less time glancing at the clock hoping....wishing that one would roll around and swiftly after that the rest of the hours of the day till I'm allowed to run out of the office and be free of it's tiresome obligations, high stress levels and general 'waaaah I don't want to be here today!' feeling that always seems to fill me every time I step into the office.

Because as much as my gut is telling me I don't want to be here today, I definitely don't want to be here tomorrow. Thus, back to work. Nose pressed firmly to the grindstone while the clock sits there laughing mockingly at me.

Stupid clock.